How to locate the horse trainer from hell

Please read this first

If you are looking for a horse trainer and don't know who to avoid then just look them up here. Look under your location (if no location then just suggest one under any of the posts as a comment and I will add it ASAP) for horse trainers from hell and look at the comments. See if the horse trainer you are thinking about taking lessons from or sending your horse to has a tale from hell. If you have experienced a horse trainer from hell either a professional or amateur then let off some steam here and let the rest of the horse world know about them. Don't forget to name names. Please read this first before posting If the trainer in question disputes the claims they find on here then they are very welcome to post a comment too. Tell only the truth. Comments are only moderated to screen out ads for websites or "buy this or that" spam and for not staying on topic. General comments should be made under the "General Blog Posts" category.

Why you should always do a background check on a trainer that you send your child to for lessons

A few years ago there was a brief news item about a man in the Sierra foothills of California that was charged with raping a child that he was giving horseback riding lessons to. As a parent I know that you should never, but never let your guard down when it comes to who you let your children be around but sometimes because there are animals around parents think that the people are more caring.

Here is a news story about a man in Minn that was convicted of raping 3 girls that were taking riding lessons from him.

I for one would never let my child out of my sight at any establishment that I did not have checked out. I personally knew one woman that her riding lesson program was devastated because it was her husband that was molesting the children. It finally came to light when her own daughter spoke out as a victim. After the divorce not everyone was aware of him not being around anymore and she had to find another career and start over again.

Don't let your guard down at horse shows either. Read this news article about the convicted horse trainer rapist in Nova Scotia.