First I checked out her website and found a pic of her draped all over a small 2 year old horse which looked more like a yearling in the photo (below).

On her current website she mentions her experience in a photo (below) as 25 years.

If you take a look at the website in 2006 you can see that she claims to have 14 years experience. So in 2 years this woman miraculously gained 9 years experience. I also have to confess that she doesn't look like she is almost 50, that is the age she would be if she started professionally training at around 20-25 years old. I am sorry but I don't include having a horse as a child as "professional experience". That is like saying I am an electronics engineer since I was 6 because I operated the remote control on the TV. By the way if you look more into the archives of her old website you will see that she graduated in 1990 with an AA degree in horse science (an AA is not much more than saying you have graduated from a junior college and most people have those nowadays) Also she does not mention the colleges by name just location. Most people will list the colleges and schools they attended by name because they are proud of them and want people to check them out via references from the school.
Now on to her claims of being a "Certified Judge". On the old website she is a certified 4-H judge which as I can tell you doesn't mean much. I was the adviser to a small 4-H horse group that had a judge that knew very little about horses. She kept a few ponies for the grand kids and that was her total experience. But because they could not find anyone else to volunteer at the shows she was drafted by the 4-H group.
She also has a section on her "deep thoughts" which is interesting.
A note to Willie: Next time you post a comment it would be better if you made your Google profile open and not private and for a screen name I would not pick "nooneimportant".
Update: Willie made a comment about this post under the Ohio trainers from hell post you can read it here. My thoughts are, the photo above about the 25 years "experience" is very misleading advertising. I know if a local retail store mislead their customers in such a way then they have broken some "truth in advertising" laws.